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Organisation-Wide Project

Some organisations have asked for a package that does not require care staff to attend face-to-face training. This option involves identifying key Project Leads to work closely with our experts so that they can guide the implementation of the project across all the homes in your organisation.
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Engage Service image showing a member of staff talking to elderly women in a care setting.
It comprises of 4 components and is implemented over twelve months. It will enable a responsive and consistent approach to supporting people with hearing loss across the organisation with clearly articulated policies and protocols.
Three days’ in-person mentoring and training for the organisation’s Project Leads (selected senior staff).
Champions Training (one day in-person for up to 15 Hearing Loss Champions)
Online support meetings with the Project Leads.
Online Training for all staff (modular one hour training course)


plus online training @ £15 per participant
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Hearing Hub

Explore the Hearing Hub’s informative articles, a valuable resource on hearing health.

Covering a wide range of topics, our articles provide insights on hearing loss prevention, hearing aid technologies, communication strategies, and more.
Engage Beis Pinchos Case Study

Beis Pinchos 

Beis Pinchos had an initial meeting with Engage that included a short audit and assessment.  They undertook six training sessions with staff (reaching 90 staff from care, housekeeping, catering and property services).  Fifteen of those staff came forward to become Hearing Loss Champions and received an advanced one-day training course at which they agreed an […]
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Engage Heathlands Village Image

Heathlands Village

Engage has been involved with Heathlands Village since October 2021.  They commissioned our package 2 which begins with observations and assessments, leading to an action plan with the management team.  This includes implementing new protocols around hearing loss, addressing environmental aspects, training staff, selecting and training Hearing Loss Champions and upskilling their activities team. A […]
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  • Engage Image of nuno
    “It has been a pleasure to have Engage run projects in our homes for the past two years. We have been very conscious of the needs of people living with conditions such as dementia but, until we started working with Engage, we were at risk of overlooking many of the barriers experienced by residents with hearing loss. With Engage’s involvement, team members have been motivated and have developed skills to include residents with hearing loss, both with and without dementia. Engage has been an invaluable asset to us and they have greatly enhanced our abilities to deliver outstanding relationship-centred care. “

    Nuno Santos Lopes – Director of Research, Innovation and Community Engagement

  • Engage Image of Daniel
    "Jewish Care is proud to be associated with Engage since its foundation seven years ago. We are delighted that their work in our homes has solidly helped hone their courses and packages so that they are most effective care home environments. Their input in Jewish Care’s homes has helped countless numbers of our residents enjoy their final years and months with us that otherwise would have been compromised by hearing issues. I highly commend them for their steadfast commitment to residents’ wellbeing and exceptional skills in staff development."

    Daniel Carmel-Brown – Chief Executive

  • Engage Image of Alison
    "Engage’s impact was immediate. Staff left the training with a buzz of excitement stating that their eyes were opened to the experiences of residents with hearing loss. As soon as the Mino became available, we began to hear how it transformed individual resident’s experiences. Staff members came forward to become Hearing Loss Champions and they have been working enthusiastically to support residents with hearing aids, ensuring that faults are dealt with quickly. We are all much more aware of the environment and addressing unnecessary noise. For example, following his training, one of the catering staff fixed the wheels of a trolley so that it did not make noise when being wheeled in communal areas. So many little things, that we previously overlooked, have mounted up to become transformative in Heathlands’ approach to hearing loss."

    Alison Lightfoot – Quality Assurance and Development Manager

  • Engage Image of Leora
    "At Beis Pinchos, we pride ourselves on being responsive to our residents’ needs. We were aware that our knowledge of hearing loss needed to be improved and so we approached Engage. Our staff gained so much knowledge and motivation from the training and many came forward to become Hearing Loss champions. Within the first week we were already implementing changes to empower residents with hearing loss and improve their social engagement experiences. We continue to work closely with Engage to implement our action plan."

    – Leora Basalian, Director of Care Services

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Find out how we can transform the lives of people with hearing loss through comprehensive training and development.
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@2024 Engage | Registered Charity Number: xxxxxx
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